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I'm going through a death & rebirth...what do I do?

Updated: Jun 20, 2022

I thought that today I would share about the process of death and rebirth, what may arise during this process + things to keep in mind as you do navigate through it.

Which is a typical Scorpio thing to do 😏 I'm sure a lot of people would start off a little more gentle, and maybe with an introduction blog, but not me - haha I'm here to show you that you don't need to do what you THINK you should do - in fact right now, throw away the word SHOULD!

Anyways, let's get to it. Right now, no, I'm not just going to be referring to physical death, but more like ‘ego’ death…and the death of friendships, of lovers, of jobs, of parting ways with big amounts of money - that sort of thing.

And the reason I'm sharing this now, is because I'm going through it with a dear friend of mind - in fact we have been best friends for over 14 years (since early High School). Now when we talk about death and rebirth, it doesn't always mean that it's FOR-EVER.

It may just be something that's unfolding FOR-NOW.

I think within western society, we have sort of been conditioned to believe that when something is let go of, that it's forever. And especially now with the rise of ‘swipe right or left’ type stuff on dating apps & so on, it's easy to just ‘move on’ and AVOID actually dealing with + navigating through change. So I'd like to share my perspective of why I disagree with the death + rebirth process always needing to mean ‘forever'.

Now, sometimes yes, it is forever - like the death of a loved one (although I could still argue/still believe that we are still connected closely to their souls/spirit - hence the psychic mediumship i offer), or maybe it's the death of a job or a relationship - but that's not forever, right? There is always someone else out there that is right for you, or another job that is more aligned with where you're heading in life - besides, how can you know what you want, if you've not yet discovered what you don't want - hence life is always happening for you, not to you. But let's dive a little deeper shall we? Cause I'm a scorpio guys; it's what we do - we dig deeeeeep until we get to something super juicy. AND, I've also based this teaching/sharing off my personal and professional experience, so ya know I'm not just talking shit; this topic hits me + often my clients, pretty deep.

Ready for it!? Okay - so you will experience DEATH + REBIRTH cycles WITHIN your relationships to money, love, health etc - that won't last FOREVER - think of it like journeying through various ‘cycles/stages/phases’ of relationships, but may need to be something you're journeying through FOR NOW for a specific reason or purpose that will be discovered often upon reflection at a later date,. What do I mean by that? Okay let's use my relationship with this friend of mine because maybe you've experienced something similar. We started off as young friends in HS with a love for Justin Bieber + hanging with the Boys because we were heaps cool and shit obviously ;) And then, we left HS and started working, studying & travelling - which definitely shifted the dynamic of how often we saw each other and especially in relation to the fact that her and I would often be separated by not just postcodes, but by countries (she lived in the UK for 2 years, and then so did I after that - just nt at the same time). And fast forward to now, when I've come back from the UK, we've both got romantic partners; which has actually cause some tension due to an extreme difference in personality which has been by far, the hardest thing to navigate through and which has ultimately affected our friendships which is was I'm sharing about today. And right now, I'm experiencing what I would call ‘an ego death’ which is damn painful because SO MUCH IS CHANGING - and we both don't know how to handle it! So as you can see above (which has been very generalised and shortened - our friendship has much more depth and has been through so much more than that haha) but, we have gone through many ‘changes’ within the context of our friendship and with change, comes death and rebirth. Saying goodbye to the old way of relating, and trusting that the space created in between will lead to a new beginning - BUT, no-one ever really knows if it's ‘forever’, or if it's just a phase/cycle/monetary change.

And that is the hardest part - the not knowing.

Can you see now what I mean when I say that we are constantly experiencing death and rebirth cycles? Because I think what can happen, especially in the personal + spiritual development world, is that we often desire NEXT LEVEL MASTERY and what I mean by that is that we are often in chase or in desire of embodying + becoming our next level version of self…and there is NOTHING wrong with that BUT if you're not honouring the fact that at times you will have to let shit go, that things will change, that this will in turn then cause some grief/pain/heartache/sadness, and you're constantly just chasing the ‘higher/more positive’ emotions - you're dishonouring this NATURAL PROCESS OF EVOLUTION - the cycle of death + rebirth. When you UPLEVEL, you're simultaneously (at the same time) LETTING SOMETHING GO. Meaning - you will experience BOTH elation +deflation, ups + downs, excitement + sadness and so on.

You can't have one without the other. And so to bring it back to my example, is to share that currently I am journeying through a depth of pain I've never know when it comes to shifts within this particular friendship container, but at the same time, I'm also very excited to let go of what is not working within our current friendship and to create space for something new to evolve; whether that means parting ways forever, or just for now.

And my god I am hoping (and so is she - because we are actually communicating and being honest +open along the way with each other), that is is just for right now…but we've both admitted we don't really know how to relate right now or how to navigate through this. So we have gifted each other space to come back into our own and to reunite when/if it feels right in whatever timing we see fit.

My hope with this sharing and with this blog, is to not only let you into my personal life in an intimate deep way, but to also share with you what I'm learning along the way. In no way am I perfect, or feel I've nailed this process because it honestly changes all the time depending on what I'm dealing with, but I must say that I am no stranger to TRANSFORMATION! Side note - being a Scorpio (craves self growth and transformation) of which Pluto rules (responsible for Death + Rebirth), but also in Human Design I am a profile ⅓ which basically means that I am here to investigate, to dig deep and to create a foundational sense of knowledge based off what I learn and then to put it to the test through trial and error - which can be bloody messy and chaotic haha - but the wisdom I gain not only helps me but also those clients who are drawn to working with me. And what I have learned is that no matter how hard something may be right now, there will come a time in the future (near of far) where you'll look back and begin to connect the dots of your life and piece together pieces of the puzzle we call LIFE. And you will see why things happen the way they did and how it lead you to where you are today. As Steve Jobs once said 'You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.'

And if today, upon reflection of your own path, that you're not happy with where you're at - I would encourage you to seek out help from a guide, coach, healer, mentor or therapist who can help you see your life from a different lens or perspective and to help you navigate through this ever changing, ever evolving world! Which is exactly what I do through a range of modalities depending on what you and your soul needs. In saying that, if you'd like to find out more about how I can help you through your own death + rebirth process (cause I know it can be difficult to journey through on your own), please either book a Discovery Call with me by clicking this link, or if you want greater clarity as to what is coming up in your life right now and are after some guidance in relation to whatever you're going through (money, love, career, relationships, work, life purpose etc), then click here to book a psychic mediumship reading!

I hope you enjoyed my first blog post; although I've actually created many in the past, so let's see how long this lasts 😜 Just keeping it with you guys, I'm a Manifesting Generator in Human Design so I am VERY multi-passionate and am always shaking shit up and changing the way in which I show up + share my wisdom & learnings. So please check out ma Instagram, FB Page, Youtube Channel + Linktree if you wanna be kept in the loop in every which way possible! Haver a magickal AF day everyone xo

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