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How To Face Your Fear Of The Unknown

Now, Listen...


But what's stopping you?

What thoughts, stories, beliefs & feels coming up when you think about 'moving on' from something that you KNOW deep in your heart that you're ready to let go of?

**I encourage you to journal this out**

And It's actually perfect timing that spirit have dropped this nugget of wisdom for me to speak on and share about with you all right now because we have just experienced the full moon 🌕

Which was all about letting go + moving on baby 😉

But womannnnnn, don't just wait for the full moon vibes to shake shit up - you can wake up at any moment, of any day and DECIDE that 'you're ready to move on'!

Because after all, it is a decision.

And it can be a tough decision to make; to you know, move on from stuff.

I remember back in the day, when I had no idea what all this spiritual +personal development stuff was all about, I would often hold onto things a lot longer than I knew I should have...

Things like money, relationships, diet/fitness routines, friendship connections & more (I'm not perfect, so it still happens to this day, but I can recognise it a LOT faster + act a LOT quicker now)

But my fear -

Well, I had a fear of the 'unknown'...

I could think of a multitude of other things that were going on within my mind at the time, but the main thing I questioned was -

'If I were to let this go right now, what will happen?'

And of course - no one knows...

That is often the most scary part.

People can help you navigate through the unknown & the 'what comes next' type fears that you may be experiencing (like mwah), but no-one, not even me; a psychic can tell you exactly what spirits plan is for you!

I mean, it can help guide you towards greater clarity, but ultimately no-one knows EXACTLY what will happen FOR you (not 'to' you 😏)

Which ties into one of my fav sayings -

'If you want to make god laugh, tell him your plans'

So needless to say, I have honestly tried to make god laugh MANY times! And I could tell you that EVERY SINGLE TIME, the 'plan' I had for my life (after 'letting something/someone go) NEVER ever unfolded the EXACT way in which I had wanted it to - but it turned out BETTER than ever imagined (not always easy - but I defs learned a lot along the way)

My ask of you today is to explore what's holding you back from moving on & from letting go + use yourself as inspiration to face your fear of the unknown...for example:

- Think back to a time in the past where you had to make a decision without knowing how

things were going to play out. Think back to what happened, did it turn out better than you

imagined? Or did it turn out a little differently than you expected? - Then after you've pondered upon these findings, affirm to yourself that no matter what

happens, you've got this, because you've done it once so you can do it again! Or if something

didn't go so smoothly, ask yourself what it is you learnt from that process and how can you

apply that wisdom in your life today when it comes to facing your fear of the unknown?

And last but not least, lean into trusting that whatever decision you make right now that feels 'right' for you, will lead you towards what your soul is here to experience (whether your ego thinks so or not) ❤️

With Love, Alicia Michelle xo

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