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Hello Divine Soul,


I'm Alicia Michelle.
A Psychic Medium, Hypnotherapist & Transformational Coach from Sydney, Australia.

I work mainly online helping clients from all around the world; especially women!

You know, I was just like you soul was hungry for more. I desired deeper, more meaningful love, fulfillment and success.

I hit my very own rock bottom in 2016 after being 'diagnosed' with an Eating Disorder, Body Dysmorphia & Depression. I had no choice but to face the emotional pain I'd buried for too long, uncover all the masks I'd hidden behind that I believed were keeping me 'safe' & to rediscover the truth of who I really was; a wild spirit living in a physical human body.

As I was healing my trauma & becoming unstuck from the story of my past, my psychic mediumship abilities were also becoming impossible to ignore, which is why I went on to not only study Hypnotherapy, Time Line Therapy & Holistic Health + Nutrition Coaching, but also dived into the realms of spirit becoming now qualified in Psychic Mediumship, Akashic Record Reading/Healing & Reiki Energy Healing 1&2.


I've made it my mission to inspire deep healing & transformation within all of you who are ready to take your life to the next level and to embody the best version of you possible!


I combine a magickal mixture of modalities tailored specifically to each individual I work with, using a spiritual yet practical approach to help clients heal unresolved trauma, let go of subconscious limiting beliefs & unlock their intuitive and creative capabilities, to ultimately live a life at their fullest potential & to create deep, nourishing relationships.


If you know deep in your core that you're ready to experience what it's like to feel truly alive, energised and lit up by life...then trust that you were intuitively guided here today, and welcome ↓

If You Are Drawn To Working With Me, See Below For Options.

Curious about 1:1 Coaching?

Maybe you're new to the personal &/or spiritual development world and you're interested in exploring all of what's been holding you back from stepping into & embodying the best version of you possible?

Or, you know you're still living in + holding onto the past despite the fact that you've invested time, energy + money into talk therapy and/or other means of healing and yet nothing's really changed?



Are you prepared to pay MORE to get the
1:1 attention that you DESERVE?


Then this is for YOU if you thrive in a 1:1 space & know that you desire next level support.

So if you're ready to say YES to yourself & are committed to doing whatever it takes to creating real long-lasting change, then I am 100% here to help make that happen!

I believe in YOU and your DREAMS!


"I was drawn to Alicia through a friend, and with what started out with a psychic reading (an incredible one) I then followed up with Coaching Container. As a mother of three I wondered why I was drawn to such a young girl that had not even had children yet? But I was left in such awe after our psychic appointment that I had to push the ego aside and jump in and trust it wasn’t by coincidence! These sessions were heavy, deep and difficult for me to even attend ! A busy mum of three and many hurdles, I made it a priority to attend and my goodness each time I was met with deep deep understanding and healing , each session another layer was broken down , each session I wouldn’t necessarily feel like I do after a reiki session ( an instant high) it was the long term foundational changes that I can’t even express . I found some trauma and healing that I didn’t even know was there and my goodness I feel lighter. I have changed so much since my sessions, LONG standing change , I am not my problems and issues and hardships and trauma , I am in control and that has rippled into being a better mother and wife and friend. Thanks Alicia I cannot wait to work with you again. Worth every penny!"

- Candace L, Mum of 3


Interested In Hypnotherapy?

Hypnosis is an incredibly powerful tool that aims to rewire how you think, feel & act on an unconscious level, so that you can make better more healthier decisions that are aligned with your 'higher self' or '2.0 version of self'.

Have you ever tried so hard to change a habit 
or follow through with that New Years resolution only to have given up after 4 weeks because you're burnt out + have lost the will-power to keep going!?


Maybe you're experiencing incredibly low self-esteem + self worth, anxiety, stress, creative blocks, emotional blocks, fear of public speaking, procrastination/lack of focus, fears + phobias, inability to shed off the extra kg's, or are lacking self-confidence.



Well, some of you may not know this, but you can't create long lasting change fueled by willpower and conscious effort alone! To add to that, the world we live in often promotes quick fix + band-aid solutions that merely treat the symptoms of what you're experiencing as opposed addressing the root cause of what it is you'd like to heal, change and transform.

Whatever it may be that you're journeying through, Hypnotherapy is designed to help you overcome what's holding you back from embodying your full potential. If you'd like to find out more & see how how Hypnotherapy can help YOU, please enquire below.



"I reached out to Alicia in hopes she could help heal my nerves + anxiousness especially around singing/performances/auditions through 1:1 Coaching + Hypnotherapy. I had NO IDEA we would dive into so much MORE than that. Alicia guided me through a hypnosis journey as she took me back to my childhood to find the beginning of my anxiety/trauma and from there we were able to heal the root cause and all other events leading up to the now moment. It was honestly an incredible experience, and I learnt so much about myself that I was not even aware about, prior to our session. Alicia gave me additional tools + tasks to try at home after our session, and they are continuing to help every day. I had an impromptu 15 second performance on Sunrise last week and was nervous for ONLY the first 5 seconds! I even feel like I’m more confident and a better singer overall as I’m not in my head. I'm so grateful for this experience, & would definitely work with Alicia more in the future."

- Grace F, Singer

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Book A Psychic Mediumship Reading

Are you feeling lost, unclear, stuck and confused about where you're headed next?


Is there a decision that you have to make and you want validation as to if this is the best choice for you?

Maybe your life has become a little turbulent and you want some guidance for how to approach it?


Or maybe you feel it's time to connect with any loved ones who've passed over to assist with the grieving + closure journey?


Book Now

Within a 1:1 Psychic Mediumship Reading, I connect in with your spirit guides, soul self, angels, ancestors and loved ones who've passed over who wish to communicate messages to you from the other-side. I am blessed and honoured to be able to share my gift of connecting with the spirit world, acting as a channel for spirit to transmute messages from above specifically for you.

Connect With Spirit Above & Spirit Within


"I finally found someone I feel comfortable with & who I feel I could trust with my life; judgment free. Alicia really listens, guides you with her intuitive psychic knowledge & provides healing techniques suited for what I'm journeying through. I’ve learnt to connect with my inner truth & let it guide me through life, but most of all I’ve found a new love myself, inside & out. One thing I am grateful for is finding Alicia & her amazing ability to connect with spirit as well as empowering me to connect with my own guides & intuition. If it wasn’t for her I’d be stuck in a self-destructive rut."

- Erika C, Mum of 2

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